How do I get started?
No matter what you are looking for in the area of coaching we recommend that you book a Free Intro to come in and have a chat about your goals! We can then help you in deciding what the best path will be.
We require all of our new members who want to get fitness training to complete our Foundations program. This program is designed to provide you with the proper technique of the majority of movements used in CrossFit. It’s purpose is to teach you the mechanics of the movements, how to use all of the equipment and to learn why intensity is important!
What happens at the Free Intro?
Our Free Intro is an opportunity for you to come in and meet with a coach, get a tour of the gym and ask any questions you may have. Most importantly, it is a conversation that will help us define your goals and how we can start accomplishing them! If you prefer to meet us from the comfort of you home we can do a Zoom chat instead. Our Free Intro is completely free and could be the most important 15-20 minutes of your life! Book your Free Intro HERE.
Can I drop-in to a class?
Yes we accept drop ins for most of our classes. Please contact us to make arrangements.
Do I need to be fit to start CrossFit?
Nope! That may be one of the biggest misconceptions we are trying to inform people of. We have people of all walks of life and levels of fitness start CrossFit with us here at LifeTree. There is no better way to get fit for CrossFit than to do CrossFit itself! Why delay your progress? Start today!